Start Smiling | Best Dentists Essex

Tackling Dental Anxiety At Start Smiling

Don’t be embarrassed or ashamed if you’re feeling anxious when you visit the dentist. It’s totally normal and we’re here to help. People can often be too scared to tell the dentist or hygienist how they are really feeling, but here at Start-Smiling we’ve made it much easier for you.

Take one of our dental anxiety monsters into the treatment room with you and it immediately lets us know that you’re feeling anxious.

This allows us time to talk to you and slow things down so you don’t feel scared or rushed. Dental anxiety can severely impact whether you feel comfortable and confident to visit a dentist….don’t let your dental anxiety monster beat you.

Introducing The Anxiety Monsters

That’s right. We have a selection of Anxiety Monsters for you to choose from. You just need to pick one up and that will let our team know that you are feeling a little anxious and need some help and reassurance.
Addressing Dental Anxiety at Start Smiling Dentist in Essex
Addressing Dental Anxiety at Start Smiling Dentist in Essex
Addressing Dental Anxiety at Start Smiling Dentist in Essex
Are You Feeling Anxious?
Watch This Video to See Tackling Dental Anxiety At Start Smiling!